Friday, January 22, 2010

Chapter 71, working with red

I joined the red color study round robin getting ready to start in one of my groups. I was a little nervous as when we did the blue color study, my block (and one other block from our group) was kept by someone/disappeared. We tried e-mailing the person who had them, and I was told someone had tried calling them, but it was as if they had dropped off the face of the earth, and two blocks from our group went missing. I was angry at first, then sad, as I had seen m block and so much beautiful work had been done on it. But forgiveness won out, and I figure that maybe she needed something pretty in her life right then and our two blocks were it. The color study hostess made and sent us new blocks and mine was beautiful. This time we are doing red. Red makes me think of grandma. I ordered a packet of reds from Miss Judyth (who is soooo awesome! I just love her!) and she sent the most beautiful fabrics. My mentor, Shari (Who has taught me so much and really made me look at my work, and has become like my favorite on-line buddy in the world) has offered to help should I get stuck on putting it together and embellishing seams as blocks come to me. I really need to get the stitchmap button up on my blog. They are my second family. There is so much encouragement and knowledge there. And everyone is so helpful and caring. I can't even begin to list all the wonderful people there, as I would be afraid of leaving someone out. but back to the red color study. I couldn't sleep last night, due to the family issues going on. Grandma's sister, Aunt Bonnie, was buried yesterday. I won't go into details other than to say I think Aunt Bonnie's children should be so ashamed of themselves, and I don't see how they can live with themselves. I hope they get back tenfold the pain and selfishness they have spread. again back to block. Red is grandma's favorite color. So I thought I would do this round robin block for her, then turn it into a pillow or frame it and send it to her for her birthday in November. Grandma loves gypsies, and gold, and Gypsy dancers. Not how to get that across on a block. My other thought was that Miss Judyth sent enough fabric to make two blocks. maybe I should send out the round robin one and see what comes back, and just work on one for grandma on my own. I know if I asked for advice from Shari, Lyn, Miss Ruby, Miss Judyth, and all the other wonderful women over on stitchmap they would have a lot of great advice. hmmm. Maybe tonight or tomorrow I will e-mail and ask for some advice and help. I think right now grandma really needs something special.

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Thoughtful of you to think of your Grandmother. Check out this site

She's close to being gypsy!

Then Gerry K did a gypsy block. Check it out here